Talk:Stories of the Saints and Holy men and women

From Rejoice in the Catholic Faith
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Saints and Brigands: is there an intervention by Saints Cosmas & Damion?

The one source I have does not attribute the saving of the maiden to the Saints, but it was on their feast day:

The Feast of Saints Cosmas & Damian & the fearsome brigand, Scannacornacchia

The southeastern Italian city of Alberobello celebrates the Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian on September 27 with games, dances, and feasts. In 1781, however, a roving band of brigands led by the fearsome and loathsome "Scannacornacchia", broke into one large gathering and commenced to dance. Eyeing a frightened, young lady, they approached her with ill intent. A mother intervened, genuflecting and weeping, and implore them to not to dishonor the maiden.
